Admission Call - Masters PhD DBA
Posted on Oct 12, 2023
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Africa, Zambia
gepea universtiy
Admission going on through distance learning, Masters Degree/MPhil, PhD/DBA. GEPEA University is accredited, recognized, Affiliated and partnered Global Apex University with renowned international organizations. GEPEA provides extremely exceptional, distinguished continuing higher education and prestigious awards via open access to Executives, Professionals, adult individuals located around the world. GEPEA’s academic & professional diplomas, degrees, awards, honors, trainings and certifications internationally delivered from its Central Europe office cloud campus to the student’s doorstep via distance learning or e-campus/seminars/conferences/group meetings. GEPEA support services which offers flexible part-time study, supported distance and open learning for Undergraduate, Postgraduate/Masters, M.Phil., Doctoral (Research/Publication), and Accredited professional qualifications.
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